Tag: #inspection

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CEC – Chartered Engineers Certificate for India

What for is a chartered engineers certificat required?

A Chartered Engineer’s Certificate (CEC) is specifically required to export used machinery to India. It’s not mandatory for new machinery.

The certificate verifies the condition, value, and remaining lifespan of the used machinery through a physical inspection by a chartered engineer. This assures Indian customs that the machinery meets their safety and quality standards.

Who can compile a Chartered Engineers Certificate for India?

A Chartered Engineer (CE) registered with Engineering Council of India (ECI) is authorized to compile a Chartered Engineer’s Certificate (CEC) for used machinery destined for India. Here’s a breakdown of who can compile the certificate:

  • Chartered Engineer (CE): The engineer must hold a Chartered Engineer designation, which signifies they’ve met stringent qualifications and experience requirements set by ECI.
  • Registered with ECI: The engineer needs to be registered with the Engineering Council of India (ECI), the official governing body for chartered engineers in India. This ensures they are recognized and adhere to ECI’s code of ethics and practice.

What is the cost of a CEC for India?

The cost of a Chartered Engineer’s Certificate (CEC) for India can vary depending on several factors, making it difficult to give a fixed price. Here’s what can influence the cost:

  • Size and complexity of the machinery: Inspecting and evaluating larger or more intricate machinery will likely require more time and effort from the engineer, leading to a higher fee.
  • Location of the machinery: If the machinery is located far from the chartered engineer, travel expenses might be added to the base fee.
  • Engineer’s experience: Chartered engineers with extensive experience might command a higher fee compared to those with less experience.

Here are some ways to get a better idea of the cost:

  • Contact Chartered Engineers: Search online or reach out to engineering firms in your area that offer CEC services. They can provide quotes based on the specific machinery you want to export.
  • Engineering Associations: Look into engineering associations in your region. They might have member directories that include chartered engineers offering CEC services, and you can contact them for quotes.

Contact Mevas for a CEC for India

If a CEC for India is required get in touch with Mevas – The Heavy Equipment Inspectors. We might be able to support with a Chartered Engineers Certificate for India for machinery which is located in Europe.

Inspection of new machinery before import to India

In some cases, it is necessary to approve the condition and readiness of new machinery for import into India. This may be the case for a letter of credit or a loan. It may also be required to fulfil the required specifications for the emission status of engines. If you need an independent inspection of construction machinery and specialised machinery in mining or civil engineering, we are the right partner for you. Contact us today with your enquiry. We guarantee a professional service in all European countries.

Is it a good idea to buy heavy equipment on auctions?

The first auctions of the year are just around the corner. So the question arises: Is it a good idea to buy machines there? And what needs to be considered? Buying used heavy equipment at an auction can be a good idea, but it comes with both advantages and risks.

The advantages are:

  1. Cost savings: Auctions often offer the opportunity to purchase equipment at a lower price than buying new.
  2. Choices: Auctions offer a wide range of equipment options, allowing you to choose between different makes, models and conditions. This can be an advantage when it comes to finding equipment that meets your specific needs.
  3. Potential for bargains: Occasionally you can find bargains or undervalued equipment at auctions, especially if there is less competition from other bidders.
Volvo Wheel Loaders at Euroauctions inspected by Mevas
Volvo L60H Wheel Loaders

But there are also risks that need to be considered:

  1. Do research first: Find out the market value of the equipment you are interested in so you can get a fair offer.
  2. Understand the auction terms and conditions: Familiarise yourself with the auction terms and conditions, including any buyer’s premiums or fees.
  3. Do a pre-inspection of the equipment: If possible, inspect the equipment before the auction. If you are to far away ask an expert. Mevas-Technicians can help you. Drop a message here.

Reminder: Set a budget and stick to it. This will prevent you from getting bogged down and investing more than planned.

Heavy Equipment Auctions

Euroauctions Leeds, GBR starts on Wednesday January 24, 2024 and RB auction Maltby, GBR starts on Wednesday Feburary 14, 2024. Mevas inspectors are available for on-site inspections for both auctions. If you need an independent machinery expert for unbiased inspection get in touch. We are www.mevas.co.uk and we are present in the United Kingdom with local inspectors.

We have created an overview of all other dates for heavy machinery inspections in Europe. This is constantly updated and can be accessed here. Our technicians are also available for auctions in Germany, Dormagen, The Netherlands, Moerdijk and many other locations.


Shorter inspections for auctions

On auction sites, it is often not possible or practical to carry out the full scope of a TA1-plus inspection. On the one hand, the possibility to operate machines is often limited. On the other hand, it does not always make sense to pay for a full inspection for a large number of machines, as the chance of becoming the highest bidder is limited. Therefore, we offer shorter inspections at a lower price. The final fee depends on where the auction takes place and how many machines someone wants to have inspected.

Sample reports for auction-site inspection

Below sample shows how a shortened inspection report looks like. Here you can download a PDF-sample.

Checklist for machinery inspection on auction
Checklist for heavy machinery on auction-site.

Ritchie Bros UK auction Maltby

Ritchie Bros. UK Online auction in Maltby, GBR on Wednesday Nov 8, 2023. Auction starts at 9:00 AM local time. Mevas inspectors are available for on-site inspections. If you need an independent machinery expert for unbiased inspection get in touch. We are www.mevas.co.uk and we are present in the United Kingdom with local inspectors.

Machinery inspection on heavy equipment auctions

If you need an inspector elsewhere you can talk to us as well. Mevas Machinery Inspectors are present in more than 25 countries.

Shorter inspections for auctions

On auction sites, it is often not possible or practical to carry out the full scope of a TA1-plus inspection. On the one hand, the possibility to operate machines is often limited. On the other hand, it does not always make sense to pay for a full inspection for a large number of machines, as the chance of becoming the highest bidder is limited. Therefore, we offer shorter inspections at a lower price. The final fee depends on where the auction takes place and how many machines someone wants to have inspected.

Sample reports for auction-site inspection

Below sample shows how a shortened inspection report looks like. Here you can download a PDF-sample.

Checklist for machinery inspection on auction
Checklist for heavy machinery on auction site

Inspección y evaluación de máquinas en Chile, Perú, Colombia.

Especialistas en equipos de construcción disponibles

A la hora de comprar o vender equipos en los sectores de obras públicas, construcción o minería, es fundamental que terceros independientes realicen una evaluación de los activos. Esto puede ocurrir, por un lado, cuando se vende dentro de la empresa, pero, por otro lado, también puede ocurrir cuando una empresa se vende internacionalmente. A continuación, se necesitan expertos para evaluar el estado y la calidad de las máquinas in situ, preparar un informe y realizar una evaluación. No hay muchos expertos de este tipo en los países latinoamericanos. Es bueno saber que existe la empresa MEVAS, que opera a nivel internacional. Sus expertos están disponibles en muchos países. Parte del equipo habla español y puedes viajar a una amplia variedad de países. La dirección tiene su sede en Alemania y controla todas las actividades.

¿Qué experiencia tienen los expertos?

La empresa existe desde 2006 y tiene como tarea principal la evaluación e inspección de máquinas, gruas y equipos de segunda mano. Los expertos evalúan e inspeccionan máquinas individuales o flotas enteras. Ya se han implementado varios proyectos en Europa y África. En Oriente Medio también se han llevado a cabo proyectos más grandes con evaluaciones de hasta 200 máquinas; por ejemplo, los expertos ya han estado dos veces en Qatar, una en Gabón, otra en Israel y también en Sudáfrica. Alemania es el país de origen de la empresa. Aquí ya se han organizado y llevado a cabo muchos proyectos. Nuestro equipo habla varios idiomas y somos expertos en maquinaria grande y pesada.

¿Qué tipos de equipos pesados ​​de construcción se pueden evaluar?

Existen varios tipos de maquinaria pesada de construcción que se utilizan en proyectos de construcción y obras públicas para realizar una variedad de tareas. Algunos de los tipos más comunes de maquinaria pesada de construcción incluyen:

  1. Excavadoras: Estas máquinas se utilizan para excavar y desplazar grandes cantidades de tierra, roca y otros materiales. Tienen una cuchara en la parte frontal y una cabina elevada para el operador.
  2. Cargadoras frontales: Las cargadoras frontales se utilizan para cargar materiales en camiones u otros equipos de construcción. Tienen una pala en la parte frontal que se puede elevar y bajar.
  3. Retroexcavadoras: Las retroexcavadoras son máquinas versátiles que combinan una excavadora en la parte trasera y una cargadora frontal en la parte delantera. Se utilizan para excavar, cargar y mover materiales.
  4. Bulldozers: Los bulldozers se utilizan para nivelar terrenos, empujar grandes cantidades de tierra y crear caminos. Tienen una cuchilla grande en la parte frontal.
  5. Motoniveladoras: Estas máquinas se utilizan para nivelar y graduar superficies, como carreteras y pistas de aterrizaje. Tienen una cuchilla larga y un marco con ruedas.
  6. Compactadoras: Las compactadoras se utilizan para compactar suelos, asfalto y otros materiales en superficies de carreteras y pavimentos.
  7. Grúas: Las grúas se utilizan para levantar y mover cargas pesadas en obras de construcción. Hay varios tipos de grúas, como grúas móviles, grúas torre y grúas sobre orugas.
  8. Camiones volquete: Los camiones volquete transportan materiales, como tierra, grava y escombros, desde y hacia el lugar de construcción.
  9. Equipos de perforación: Los equipos de perforación se utilizan para excavar agujeros para cimientos, pilotes y otras aplicaciones. Incluyen taladros de percusión y taladros rotativos.
  10. Compactadoras de asfalto: Estas máquinas se utilizan para compactar asfalto en proyectos de pavimentación y reparación de carreteras.
  11. Equipos de movimiento de tierras: Incluyen tractores, topadoras y niveladoras que se utilizan para despejar y preparar terrenos para la construcción.
  12. Equipos de demolición: Incluyen martillos hidráulicos, sierras de demolición y otros equipos utilizados para demoler estructuras.
  13. Equipos de manipulación de materiales: Incluyen carretillas elevadoras, manipuladores telescópicos y grúas industriales utilizadas para mover materiales en el lugar de construcción.

Estos son solo algunos ejemplos de la maquinaria pesada de construcción que se utiliza en proyectos de construcción. La elección de la maquinaria depende de las necesidades específicas del proyecto y el tipo de trabajo a realizar. Estamos familiarizados con todos estos tipos de máquinas. Conocemos bien las máquinas Komatsu y Caterpillar. Nuestros técnicos evalúan máquinas Atlas Copco y Sandvik. Conocemos bien Liebherr y Terex.

Mining Plant inspection

Does it make sense to inspect used machines before you buy them?

Yes, it does. These machines are working in rough conditions and if you are purchasing this kind of used machinery there is always some risk. We have seen in the past many costly problems on these machines. Small repairs such as a leaking cylinder or a broken window can sum up to several hundred Euros. But if the engine has low performance or the undercarriage is worn the repairs can easily extend to some thousand Euro. Therefore we recommend an unbiased inspection before you send money to the supplier.

Who can evaluate the current value and condition of big iron without a conflict of interest?

Mevas can. For our technicians inspecting large machines is part of their daily work. They look at the machines with the eyes of a future user. Our inspections focus on the technical details rather than the appearance of the equipment. So if you want to avoid an unpleasant and costly surprise, talk to us about the price of a pre-used machine inspection.

We carry out inspections for equipment of various types according to customer requirements, for individual machines or entire fleets. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a truck, an excavator, a crusher, a bulldozer, a screening plant or a drilling rig.

Global inspection service

We inspect and evaluate heavy machinery wherever it is located: This year we have done inspections for machines & trucks in Qatar for PlantAndEquipment.com Detailed condition reports, pictures and videos were prepared for more than one hundred units.

This was already our second large project in Qatar. Our team has been for big projects with over one hundred and fifty inspections in Gabon, French Guyana and in the UK. We have also inspected heavy construction equipment in Kazakhstan, Siberia and in Australia.

If you need an independent assessment of the condition of a used machine fleet or individual machines, then you have come to the right place.

How to measure the undercarriage on used machines?

Is this service included in an Mevas inspection?

Yes, on request and for larger machines this service is included for tracked machines from Caterpillar. We do measure all components. Remaining life values will be calculated with the CAT CTS Undercarriage Handbook. When inspecting machines of other brands, we assess the remaining service life based on our experience. Click here for our video explaining the measurement of the undercarriage step by step.

Since the undercarriage is one of the most expensive components on these machines and can be very expensive to replace, we recommend special attention to inspection here. If you are looking to buy a second hand machine in Europe – get the remaining life of the U/C confirmed by MEVAS.

Meassurement of the carrier rollers on a dozer

Which tools can be used to measure U/C components?

To measure undercarriage components of a track type tractor or an excavator, the following tools can be used:

  1. Track Gauge or meter – It is used to measure the track gauge, or the distance between the tracks, to ensure that it is within the manufacturer’s specifications.
  2. Track Roller Caliper – It is used to measure the diameter of the track rollers and the wear on the bottom of the track roller.
  3. Idler Pin Gauge – It is used to measure the idler’s diameter and the wear on the idler’s bearing surfaces.
  4. Ultrasonic Gauge – It is used to measure the thickness of the track links and the wear on the bushings.
  5. Chain Wear Gauge – It is used to measure the wear on the track chain and to determine if the chain needs to be replaced.
  6. Shoe Height Gauge – It is used to measure the wear on the track shoe and to determine if the shoe needs to be replaced.

By using these tools, it is possible to accurately measure the wear on the undercarriage components and determine when they need to be replaced or repaired, which helps to extend the life of the track type tractor and reduce maintenance costs.

Who can inspect used heavy construction machinery?

Where can I find a professional inspector?

We would like to introduce ourselves briefly: Mevas has been testing the condition of heavy used machinery for over 16 years. The idea came about because the owner of the company, in his previous job, had to realise when buying used machines that the machines sold were often in worse condition than stated by the seller.

So the idea was born to check the machines carefully before purchasing them. We do this for a growing clientele from all over the world. In the same way, we offer this service to sellers to make it easier to sell the machines with an inspection by an independent third party.

Used machines inspected by Mevas

What does an Mevas inspection report contain?

We have structured inspection report for each type of used construction machinery or construction vehicles. First, the inspector notes the equipment of the construction machine or crane. He pays attention, for example, to whether the machine has air conditioning, additional hydraulic lines, if the excavator has a dozer blade, a CE certificate or whether it has a quick coupling. Now the actual inspection begins. The technician checks the condition of the cab, seat, switches, display instruments, air conditioning, windows, mirrors and windscreen wipers. 

Now it is time to inspect the engine. After checking the operating fluids such as coolant and oil condition, the engine is started. The inspector checks if the engine smokes unusually, makes noises or shows other signs of increased wear. 
After checking the engine, an inspection of the machine’s external components is done. This involves checking the frame, boom or lift arm and, of course, all doors, hatches, storage compartments, lighting and paintwork. After this inspection, we focus on the hydraulic system. We inspect the hoses, look for leaks in the cylinders, listen for noises from the hydraulic pump and check for leaks in the pump or valve block. Now the functional test starts. During this, the inspector checks whether there is play in the joints, whether the drive functions properly, whether there are any unusual noises, whether all functions work normally? Depending on the type of machine, of course, different things are checked. The attachments, such as buckets or shovels, are also checked and their data recorded. Then the tyres or undercarriages are checked for wear and analysed. In the last section of our inspection report, any problems that do not fit into the previous sections are noted. Finally, the inspector leaves a comment on the general condition of the machine. At the end, the transport dimensions are usually given.

Which used heavy machines can be inspected?

Mevas inspectors can perform inspections for:

  1. Excavators (track excavators, mobile excavators, min diggers, quarry shovels)
  2. Bulldozers and Tracked Loaders
  3. Loaders (Wheel Loaders, Skid Steer Loaders, Backhoe Loaders)
  4. Graders and Wheel dozers
  5. Dump Trucks
  6. Compactors for Soil and Waste
  7. Rollers (Vibratory Rollers, Pneumatic Rollers, Tandem Rollers)
  8. Scrapers and Bucket Dozers
  9. Off-Highway Trucks and on the Road Trucks
  10. Drilling Rigs, Pile Drivers, Surface Drills, Civil Engineering Machinery
  11. Concrete Mixers, concrete pumps and readymix trucks
  12. Pavers for Asphalt and Concrete
  13. Telehandlers, Telescopic Forklifts
  14. Trenchers, Milling Machines, Reclaimer and Recycler
  15. Reach Stackers and Container Handlers
  16. Agricultural Tractors, Combines, Harvester

This list is not exhaustive, but covers the most commonly used earthmoving and construction machines. The specific machines used for a construction project depends on the type and scope of the work, as well as the local conditions and regulations.

Mevas service – Oil analysis on used machines

There is a more recent version of the info about oil sampling available!

Why take oil samples from heavy used machinery?

Analyzing the oils used in construction machinery can be useful to get information about wear from the contents of the used oil. An analysis of the existing oils only makes sense if you have an approximate idea of ​​how long the oil was in use. If the oil has only recently been changed, an analysis of the condition is not very useful. There are then too few analyzable particles in the oil. If the oil used is much older than permitted, i.e. the change intervals have been significantly exceeded, the values ​​will also be incorrect. But if the oil is in a normal change cycle, you can read a lot of information from the trace elements. It is therefore important to know whether the prescribed maintenance intervals on the construction machine have been observed.

Oil sampling for heavy construction and mining machinery
Inspector taking an oil sample

How to take an oil sample from heavy used machinery?

For meaningful results, it is necessary to warm up the machine first. Otherwise there will be many particles deposited on the bottom of the oil pan or in the filter. The oil must therefore be vigorously moved and the viscosity increased in order to obtain meaningful results. Then use a very clean container and a pump to remove the oil, e.g. from the engine/the hydraulic circuit or from the gearbox. The extracted oils need to be sent to a certified laboratory. There, the lubricants are analyzed for their ingredients using various methods. It can be used to determine whether there are increased levels of silicon, sulphur, copper, coolant or other trace elements in the oil.

4 minute video about heavy equipment oil analysis

What can I read from the results?

A professional laboratory for the analysis of construction machine oils usually provides us with an interpretation of the analyzed values. Too much silicon means dirt gets into the machine’s systems and you have to look at where and how dirt gets into the system. If coolant is found in the engine oil, there is a problem in the cooling system. If traces of aluminum are found in the transmission oil, one can conclude that there is increased wear in some components. The same applies to the presence of chromium, copper or magnesium.

Mevas offers oil sampling as additional service during inspections. As soon as we have the results of an oil analysis, our technicians will advise you and describe the possible causes. A hint is given on what to do to avoid early problems. Do you have any questions? Feel free to comment below the blog or send us a message.

What is an oil analysis useful for on excavators and wheel loaders?

Oil analysis, also known as fluid analysis or lubricant analysis, is a valuable diagnostic tool used in the maintenance and management of excavators and wheel loaders, as well as other heavy equipment. Here are some of the key benefits and purposes of oil analysis for these machines:

  1. Condition Monitoring: Oil analysis provides a way to monitor the overall condition of the equipment. By analyzing oil samples regularly, maintenance personnel can detect early signs of wear, contamination, and potential issues, allowing for proactive maintenance.
  2. Component Health Assessment: Oil analysis can reveal the health of critical components such as engines, hydraulic systems, and transmissions. It can help identify wear and tear on internal parts like bearings, gears, and seals.
  3. Early Problem Detection: Detecting problems at an early stage can prevent costly breakdowns and major repairs. Oil analysis can identify issues such as abnormal wear, contamination, and fluid degradation before they lead to major failures.
  4. Fluid Quality Assessment: It assesses the quality and condition of the lubricating oils, hydraulic fluids, and other fluids used in the machine. This information helps ensure that the fluids are within the manufacturer’s specifications, promoting optimal performance.
  5. Contamination Detection: Oil analysis can identify the presence of contaminants, such as dirt, water, and other foreign materials in the lubricants. Contaminants can cause damage and reduce the efficiency of critical components.
  6. Fluid Change Intervals: By monitoring the condition of the oils and fluids, equipment operators can determine the optimal time to change or replace them, reducing unnecessary maintenance costs.
  7. Extended Component Life: Effective oil analysis and timely maintenance can extend the life of key components, such as engines, hydraulic systems, and transmissions, resulting in cost savings over the long term.
  8. Performance Optimization: Oil analysis can help ensure that the machine operates at its peak performance by maintaining clean, properly lubricated components.
  9. Environmental Impact Reduction: Proper maintenance, guided by oil analysis, reduces the risk of fluid leaks and component failures, minimizing the environmental impact of equipment operation.
  10. Cost Savings: Regular oil analysis can lead to cost savings through reduced downtime, lower repair and replacement costs, and improved equipment reliability.
  11. Warranty Compliance: For equipment under warranty, oil analysis can help ensure that maintenance practices comply with the manufacturer’s requirements, preserving warranty coverage.

In summary, oil analysis is a valuable tool for excavators and wheel loaders, as it aids in the early detection of problems, extends the life of components, optimizes performance, reduces maintenance costs, and contributes to efficient equipment management. It is an essential part of a comprehensive maintenance and reliability program for heavy equipment.

Why inspect used equipment before buying?

Be carefully when you purchase from unknown suppliers

Searching for dependable used equipment can be a challenging endeavor. It’s crucial to thoroughly assess the condition of any secondhand machinery before making a purchase, especially if you’re unfamiliar with the seller.

What should you consider and investigate?

  1. Evaluate the Seller: If you’re unfamiliar with the seller, exercise extra caution. We’ll delve deeper into this aspect in the following section.
  2. Working Hours Analysis: Scrutinize the machine’s working hours. Do they align with the machine’s overall condition and its year of manufacture? Try to gather information about the machine’s history from the seller to gain a clearer picture.
  3. Inspect for Wear and Tear: Examine the machine for any signs of wear and tear. Check the condition of essential components such as the ROPS, chassis, boom/stick for dents, bends, re-welded areas, or small cracks. Avoid purchasing equipment that might lead to costly issues down the road.
  4. Hydraulic System Assessment: Take a close look at the hydraulic system. Are the hydraulic oil levels within the normal range or too high? In the case of excess hydraulic oil, investigate for potential leaks.
  5. Tire and Undercarriage Examination: Tires and undercarriage components can represent a substantial cost. Assess the remaining service life of the tires and drive components to gauge potential future expenses.
  6. Functional Test/Test Drive: After scrutinizing the above aspects, conduct a function test or a test drive. Start the machine to observe its performance, and listen for any unusual noises or exhaust emissions. This step is vital in ensuring the equipment’s functionality.
  7. Attachments Inspection: If attachments are included in the sale, perform a thorough visual inspection to verify their condition and compatibility.

By paying careful attention to these seven critical factors, you can make a more informed decision when considering the purchase of used equipment.

More technical details:

Check used equipment carefully

Another important note

We want to remind you to be carefully when negotiating heavy equipment which is offered on the Internet. A few of those sites have just been created for fraud.

Be attentive if: 

  1. Machine price is far lower than for comparable units
  2. The seller makes pressure to decide very quickly: He pretends other people are interested in the same machine.
  3. The seller has just a mobile phone number and no landline.
  4. The seller requests a down-payment to reserve the machine.

We are Mevas – die Heavy Equipment Inspectors

Hopefully our list has been helpful to you. If you are unsure about any of the points, just get in touch with us. This is our WhatsApp. We inspect machines like excavators, wheel loaders, dumpers, graders, rollers, material handlers and dozers every day and know these machines very well.