Author: Wolfgang

Free valuation of Heavy Equipment

A cost free valuator for construction equipment?

I assume you came to this page because you are looking for a free way to value heavy used equipment. Now, of course, the question arises, why would anyone offer a free evaluation of heavy machinery. Ultimately, every consulting service has a value. And as star investor Warren Buffet said: “There is no such thing as a free lunch”. So if you’re not paying for a construction equipment appraisal with money, you’re paying with something else. For example with your data. Or the reason for a free offer is that someone is interested in buying your used machine for cheap money or in selling you a used equipment. So the service is free at first glance, but not in vain.

Equipment appraisal for a fair fee

We at MEVAS also offer the evaluation of construction machinery. Because we don’t want your data or your machine, this service comes at a small price. For €60 for a single construction machine, an experienced and human appraiser will determine the current market value of your machine. Without background interests or without passing on your data. Send us the info about the machine. Pay our little fee and we will go ahead. This offer is for an on-screen evaluation of heavy machinery. If you need a more detailed survey with analysis of residual values we recommend an on-site-inspection with valuation by an expert.

Free online valuation tools for heavy equipment

There are a coulpe of free valuation tools for heavy equipment. Most of those have in common that they are interested in your machines. Ritchie Bros. free valuation for instance is on one side a tool to learn the current value of your excavator or your wheel loader. On the other hand it is obvoius they are interested to convince you selling your machine through the auction. Others such as Machinerycash want to broker your machine to make some $$ commission by the sales.

We at Mevas have a commercial interest as well. We either want to sell you a real valuation for a little fee or we want you to let us inspect used machinery for you. Or we want to convince you we are a serious partner for on-site valuations of big machinery.

Used heavy machinery from China

Hey brother, have you found any used construction machines in China that catch your interest? Maybe in Shanghai? See the inspection price info for Shanghai and Hefei on bottom of this page.

Used Equipment from Shanghai

Shanghai is known for having a lot of interesting construction machines like excavators, wheel loaders, rollers, motor graders, and other road construction machines. However, in China, you cannot blindly trust sellers as it is common for Chinese machines to be repainted and re-labelled, making it hard to identify the actual country of origin. This can be an unpleasant surprise for buyers when the machine arrives in another country and spare parts are unavailable. To avoid this, it is highly recommended that you have used construction machinery inspected in China before shipment. It is especially important not to make any down payments until you are sure about the condition and country of origin of the machine.

Machinery inspection service

Our service in China includes a visual inspection of the machine with a functional test using the seller’s driver. Our inspector takes various photos and videos and visually checks the condition and wear of the machine, including the serial numbers and engines. They also look for leaks and cracks on the chassis, assess the attachments and tires, and make an assessment of the reliability of the seller. While this may not be a perfect technical inspection service, it can help you avoid the biggest mistakes when buying a machine in China. We have had some unpleasant surprises in Shanghai and its surrounding areas, and some of our customers have lost a lot of money there. Some even ended up with a different machine than the one they inspected. Therefore, we highly recommend a second inspection at the port before shipment to be sure of what you are buying. We inspect all brands such as Caterpillar, Tadano, Komatsu or Doosan.

How much does a pre-shipping inspection in Shanghai cost?

In most cases we can inspect a single excavator or wheel loader in Shanghai for a fee of 850 Euro. If you have more than one machine in the same location a discount applies. Each additional machine in same location costs 300 Euro. Our inspectors there can inspect any construction machine such as motor-grader, bulldozer, excavator, wheel loader, truck, asphalt roller and any kind of mobile crane.

For inspections in Hefei area we need at least two units to go. Inspection for two units in Hefei would cost 1.700 Euro.

Used Machinery Inspections in Africa

Who can inspect used mining and construction equipment on the African continent?

Mevas is based in Germany and having a large network of independent machinery inspectors. Most technicians are based in Europe. However, we know engineers and technicians from the industry in so many countries. It is very likely that we can support with inspections in many areas in Africa. For sure we have inspection partners in South Africa, Nigeria, Ghana and in some Arabic countries.

Mining and Plant engineers

Since we are an inspection company, offering this service since 2006 and because Wolfgang is in the industry sine 1982 we have many connections and we know many engineers. We have been inspecting machines in Botswana, Gabun, Tunisia, Nigeria and Ghana. No problem for our technicians to travel to many other countries.

Which inspection level is offered?

Depending on location and who we can send the level of inspection ranges from TA-1 to TA-2 which are Caterpillar descriptions for heavy machinery inspections. get in touch with us for more details and a specific offer.

What kind of equipment can we inspect in Africa?

  • bulldozers and tracked loaders
  • wheel loaders and backhoe loaders
  • earthmoving and mining excavators
  • quarry and mining trucks
  • road construction machinery
  • crushing and screen plant

The inspection fee for machinery in Africa depends very much on location. If you send us a machine list with location, machine types and info about local circumstances in regard of safety we can raise an offer within a few hours.

Hvem kan vurdere brugte entreprenørmaskiner?

Der er flere måder at få vurderet brugte entreprenørmaskiner i Europa på. Her er nogle af mulighederne:

Erfarne maskininspektører:

Der findes specialiserede maskininspektører og inspektører i Europa, som kan foretage inspektioner og vurderinger af brugte entreprenørmaskiner. Disse inspektører kan på professionel vis vurdere maskinernes tilstand, værdi og eventuelle skader. I denne henseende er folk som Mevas mere fleksible og billigere end TÜV eller SGS.

Specialiserede maskinhandlere:

Nogle forhandlere af brugte entreprenørmaskiner er specialiseret i vurdering og salg af brugte maskiner. Disse forhandlere kan foretage en vurdering af maskinernes tilstand og værdi og kan også hjælpe med salget af maskinerne. Der er dog ikke tale om en uafhængig vurdering, da en forhandler altid er interesseret i at købe eller sælge!

Uafhængige vurderingsfirmaer:

Der findes virksomheder, der har erfaring med at vurdere større maskinparker eller alle mobile maskiner og køretøjer i bygge- og anlægsvirksomheder. Vurderingsfirmaer som MEVAS kan tilbyde denne service til gode priser.

Uafhængige rådgivere i forbindelse med salg af entreprenørmaskiner:

Der findes uafhængige rådgivere i Europa, som kan hjælpe med vurderingen af brugte entreprenørmaskiner. Disse konsulenter kan foretage en objektiv vurdering af maskinernes tilstand og værdi og kan også hjælpe med at finde købere eller sælgere til maskinerne. Sådanne rådgivere kan også arbejde i forbindelse med forsikringer eller ved salg af en virksomhed. En god måde er også at sælge maskiner gennem en begrænset auktion.

Det er vigtigt, at du vælger en pålidelig og erfaren ekspert til at vurdere dine brugte entreprenørmaskiner. Du kan undersøge forskellige muligheder og læse anmeldelser og referencer, inden du vælger en ekspert til at udføre arbejdet for dig. Desuden er det vigtigt at beslutte, om du ønsker at kende den aktuelle værdi eller genanskaffelsesværdien.

Mevas har fået mange gode anmeldelser og er vurderet til 5,0 stjerner på Google.

Mevas France – Expertise des Machines dans l’hexagone

Une société d’inspection de machines de construction

Mevas France est une société spécialisée dans l’inspection des engins de chantier d’occasion et le calcul de la valeur marchande actuelle de ces engins. Quel est le but de notre service ? Ils se spécialisent dans la construction de routes, de bâtiments et d’infrastructures. Cela vous tiendra probablement très occupé. Notre société a été fondée pour vous faciliter l’expertise des machines à vendre ou à acheter. Vous pouvez vous concentrer sur votre tâche principale et nous confier l’analyse de l’état des machines.

Inspection des machines d’occasion

Une petite partie de notre service concerne les rapports d’évaluation. La partie beaucoup plus importante, cependant, est l’inspection des machines d’occasion pour les acheteurs et les vendeurs. Vous pouvez juger de chez vous si une machine est en bon état. Vaut-il la peine d’acheter ou faut-il laisser la machine là où elle est ?

Prestations en France

Notre siège social se trouve en Allemagne, d’où la société est également gérée. Cependant, nous avons des techniciens disponibles sur différents sites en France pour évaluer les machines. Cela nous permet d’offrir aux clients en France l’inspection et la détermination de la valeur marchande actuelle de ces machines à des prix raisonnables. Un monsieur en France qui vend des machines d’occasion a pensé que ce serait une bonne idée d’utiliser notre nom Mevas-France pour annoncer ses services. C’est pourquoi nous tenons à souligner : Notre entreprise n’est pas impliquée dans le commerce, l’achat ou la vente de machines. Notre seul service est l’expertise.

Käytettyjen koneiden tarkastukset Suomessa

Jos olet ostamassa käytettyä konetta, kuten kaivinkonetta, pyöräkuormaajaa tai nivellettyä kippiautoa, on luultavasti hyvä ajatus tarkastuttaa se asianmukaisesti. Jos kone on lähelläsi, se on helppoa. Lähetät korjaamon työnjohtajan tai mekaanikkosi testaamaan konetta. Sitten voit neuvotella hinnasta. Mutta jos kone on kaukana, jos yrityksessä on liikaa töitä, voit myös palkata ulkopuolisen asiantuntijan. Varsinkin kun kone ei ole Suomessa vaan ulkomailla, siitä tulee mielenkiintoista. Silloin on halvempaa saada asiantuntija paikalle ja se on myös nopeampaa.

Kuka voi arvioida raskaita rakennuskoneita ulkomailla?

MEVAS-tiimi on läsnä yli 20 maassa. Teknikot on koulutettu käytettyjen koneiden tarkastukseen. Tarkastamme kaivinkoneet, pyöräkuormaajat, murskaimet, dumpperit, nosturit ja porauslaitteet louhintaan tai maanrakennukseen. Tarvitsetko ammattimaisen tarkastuksen tai arvonmäärityksen? Onko kyseessä rakennuskone vai kokonainen kalusto? Se ei ole ongelma. Me hoidamme sen.

Mitä maksaa rakennuskoneita koskeva asiantuntijalausunto?

Asiantuntijalausunnon hinta riippuu eri tekijöistä. Kuinka suuri rakennuskone on? Millainen kone se on? Missä rakennusajoneuvo sijaitsee? Ja sitten on tärkeää tietää: Tarvitsetko tietoa vain kunnosta vai pitäisikö myös määrittää nykyinen arvo? Jos lähetät meille tiedustelun, saat tarjouksen ja esimerkki kertomuksen muutaman tunnin kuluessa. Sen jälkeen voit päättää, haluatko palkata meidät arvioijaksi.

Tunnemme hyvin: Caterpillar, Hitachi, Komatsu, Volvo CE, Liebherr & Terex. Tarkastamme ajoneuvonosturit, tiehöylät, yksirumpujyrsimet, kaivurit, paalutuskoneet, leikkurit, pyöräkaivukoneet, materiaalinkäsittelykoneet, kippiautot ja kaikki muut maansiirtolaitteet.

Video about Mevas

Service and component history

How to find info about service history of used heavy machinery?

When buying used construction machinery, it is particularly important, especially for large machines, to obtain information about the service and component history of the machine. When was the engine changed, when were repairs made to the hydraulic pump, when were axles changed, when was the last service and how old are the oils on the machine. In the used machinery business, machines often go unfathomable ways. If you find a machine in Holland, it is not a foregone conclusion that this machine has also worked in Holland – it may well be that the machine comes from Romania or Finland. So it would be important to get some data. In most cases, however, sellers will not reveal where they bought a used construction machine. With a mini-excavator, this information is not so important. But if you buy a 300 hp wheel loader, you should know what the machine has done before and whether it has been maintained according to the manufacturer’s specifications. An important criterion is whether, for example, the original engine and the original gearbox are still fitted. If this information is missing, the remaining service life of the machine and its components cannot be estimated well.

Forensic search for info about machine maintenance

The best way to find out this information is to do a thorough inspection and look for information about the origin of the machine, e.g. on the stickers in the cabin. If the dealer or seller does not want to provide the information, you can also call the manufacturer’s service partner in the respective country, where you might get the missing information. During an inspection with a contractor one can usually get some info from the local service staff.

Sticker with service information for heavy equipment maintenance

Downloading machine info from ECU

On some machines the local dealer or an inspection service such as Mevas can download a summary from the machine ECU or ECM. Especially for Caterpillar and Volvo we can provide such service. The summary contains info about error codes, overheating or engine overspeeding. In some cases we can support with phone contact to service providers in other countries. Due our large network in the international machinery industry we know many people in various countries. Contact us please for a quotation and more info.

What is a Caterpillar PSR? How can you obtain it?

The PSR is the so-called Product Status Report. It can be downloaded from the internal ECM’s of a CAT machine or any other machine with a Caterpillar engine. To download you would need a CAT-ET, the so-called Electronic Technician. CAT dealer staff and services such as Mevas can do this for you.

What information does the PSR document contain?

The PSR contains some important information such as:

  • Engine lifetime hours
  • Transmission lifetime hours
  • Hydraulic Configuration
  • Lifetime fuel consumption
  • Injector Calibration Status
  • Diagnostic Codes (Error Codes)
  • Lifetime Temperatures for various components
  • Tool Configuration
PSR and Machine Checklist

How to measure engine blow-by ?

Engine Blow-By: An Overview

A combustion engine operates by burning fuel in a cylinder, where a piston moves up and down. The piston is sealed towards the cylinder by piston rings. However, a certain amount of exhaust gas escapes from the combustion chamber into the crankcase housing, which is referred to as “blow-by.” A visual representation of this can be found at

Checking the Engine for Blow-By

When inspecting a used machine, it is essential to assess the engine for the amount of blow-by. By measuring the amount of escaping gas, an experienced inspector can estimate the engine wear. Typically, this can be done by placing a hand on top of the oil filler tube and checking for the amount of blow. The inspector will also examine the smell of the gas for any signs of burned oil or coolant in the engine lubrication system.

Engine blow-by measurement

On larger engines, it may be necessary to measure the blow-by and compare it with the manufacturer’s specifications. Some inspectors may be equipped with a gauge, called an anemometer, for this purpose. However, it is important for the inspector to have a good understanding of the engine configuration as not all gas escapes through the oil filler tube. Some engines may have a certain amount of blow-by even when new. Inspectors opening filler tubes on Perkins engines can tell stories about it.

Examining Engine Condition through Exhaust Fumes

Experienced technicians can use the appearance and smell of the exhaust fumes to determine the condition of the engine. For example, if the engine is burning oil, the technician may detect a burnt oil odour. The colour and amount of smoke can also provide insights into the engine’s condition. Engine smoke can appear white, grey, grey-blue, or black. If the smoke appears abnormal, the inspector may need to examine the engine systems closely for issues such as malfunctioning injectors or coolant entering the engine lubrication.

Engine oil sampling

Last but not least it is an option to send an oil sample for analysis. A certified lab will provide info about oil condition and containment. Engineers can read a lot from sample as long as it is known how long the engine oil was in use.

Using an inspection app

We are often approached by developers of machinery inspection apps, who believe that anyone can perform an inspection with the right application and guidelines. However, from our perspective, it is still necessary for an inspector to have several years of experience with machines and engines to accurately assess the engine’s condition.

Do you wish to read a version of this article in German language?

How to check the hydraulic pump?

How can I check if my excavator hydraulic pump is working well?

In the event that the hydraulic excavator does not have enough power or even when buying an excavator, it is useful to check whether the hydraulic pump has enough power. Normally, however, you do not have any equipment for measuring pressure with you. Don’t forget that pressure alone is not a criterion for sufficient power. You would also have to measure the volume of the oil flow.

Hydraulic Pressure Testing during inspection of an excavator

So what can be done to check the performance of the hydraulic pump?

An excavator usually has a so-called load-sensing pump. The pump’s sensors constantly check the pressure and the oil volume demanded. The pump permanently adjusts the volume flow and the pressure to the requirements during work. To check performance, an experienced inspector will usually test whether the excavator can make three different working movements at the same time without slowing down the flow of one working movement. For example, lifting the boom, extending the arm and extending the bucket at the same time. The inspector must note whether there are one or more hydraulic pumps for the different components. Often the traction drive has a separate pump.

Pressure test for comparison with the manufacturer’s data

The type of test described so far is helpful if you do not have a pressure gauge available. However, for a more accurate test of performance, it is helpful to be able to measure pressures. To do this, the inspector needs to connect a pressure gauge to the test ports and measure the pressures for the pump and the pilot pressure. The recorded data must be compared with the manufacturer’s specifications.

Hydraulic-Pressure gauge for excavator testing

Which company can inspect an excavator with pressure measurement?

Some MEVAS inspectors are equipped with dial gauges. We can offer a very thorough examination of the condition of used hydraulic excavators in various countries. Of course, we are also responsible for any other construction machine and for large equipment from the mining industry. The guide can be downloaded here.

How to measure swing bearing play?

Excavator swing bearing play measuring

The swing bearing is one of the weakest points in the structure of an excavator. At this point, the stable undercarriage, the so-called X-frame, is connected to the superstructure. The superstructure rotates endlessly on this pivot. On a larger excavator, you will find a counterweight weighing perhaps 15 tonnes. It balances the whole machine and is designed to keep the machine stable and balanced with the arm extended and the bucket full. On the other hand, this means that when the bucket is empty and the arm is close to the machine, the rear side of the machine is loaded.

To ensure that everything runs well, the pivot bearing, also called the slewing ring, has several lubrication points. Ideally, these are supplied with grease of the right consistency by an automatic lubrication system.

Swing bearing play measurement for excavator

The rollers or rolls of the large bearing now run permanently over the running surfaces, generating wear through friction and pressure. At some point, the play becomes so large that machine safety is endangered. When inspecting a used excavator, it therefore makes sense to measure whether the play is still within the permissible tolerance.

How to measure?

To do this, the slewing ring must be loaded once and then unloaded again after the dial gauge has been placed on it. The play is measured between these two states. Most inspectors for construction machinery know the procedure. Depending on the equipment of the machine, one must decide whether a filled excavator bucket is sufficient to achieve the load on the front, or whether additional weights are required. Also the use of a hydraulic jack can be considered.

When to measure, cost for replacing?

Our inspectors have the necessary knowledge to carry out a measurement correctly. During used machine inspection process the inspector does a functional test. Experienced technicians can feel already at this stage if a measurement is required. After the measurement, we can help to decide whether the play is acceptable or whether you need to replace the slewing ring. The Liebherr R964 excavator pictured above had 5mm clearance across the front of the frame and 4.7mm across the side. It is not safe to continue working with this slew ring. Exchange will cost probably more than 12.000 $